David Chuba’s main research interests are in phylogenetic systematics of plants, plant evolution, ethnobotany, DNA barcoding and plant conservation with the main focus on Zambian plants. His career spans over 25 years of wide-ranging experience in teaching, researcher and administration.
David joined the University of Zambia as a staff development fellow in 1995. Since becoming a faculty member in 2001, he served for a period of four years as Postgraduate Assistant Dean in the School of Natural Sciences at UNZA and another four years as Head of the Department of Biological Sciences. He is presently the University of Zambia Herbarium Curator.
David is currently supervising 11 postgraduate students one of whom is pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Zambia under the auspices of Gobabeb’s FRAMe (Farmer Resilience and Melon Crop Diversity in southern Africa), a collaborative research project under the umbrella of SASSCAL II (the Southern African Science Service Centre for Adaptive Land Management).
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=en&pli=1&user=eFcj9FEAAAAJ
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Chuba/research