Miha Krofel is a carnivore ecologist in the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia.
Miha is currently the Head of the Wildlife Ecology and Management Research Group at University of Ljubljana. He also is associated with IZW-Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Germany), University of Oxford (U.K.), University of Porto (Portugal) and University of Primorska (Slovenia).
His research focus is on conservation of large carnivores, in Eurasia, Asia, and lion, leopard, cheetah and black-backed jackal in Africa. He works to support recovery of large carnivore populations and preventing human-carnivore conflicts. He is also involved in the research of ecology of wild ungulates, raptors, owls, ravens, lizards and scavenging communities.
He is member of three specialist groups in the IUCN Species Survival Commission, for Cats, Canids, and the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe.
At Gobabeb, Miha is focusing mostly on black-backed jackal ecology and eco-physiology of lizards and other ectotherms.
ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miha-Krofel